One Stop Shop For All your music show necessities

Being a human is a lot of work. To look good, to feel good, to express yourself and emanate your unique vibration into the world takes prep work. We will equip you with everything you need to get the most out of your live show experiences.

Welcome to Akasha Civita - the space community with a sole goal of showing you the true way of having the ultimate music experience!

featured products

The perfect combination of festival necessities

When you are deep in the crowd and your favorite artist is about to come on stage, you’ll want to make sure you have everything you need to appreciate every second of that experience. Don’t worry about a thing, we got you covered. After many years of festival experience we crafted the ultimate combination of ingredients that every festival goer should have at all times.

Introducing the ULTIMATE WOOK KIT - a perfect mix of wook tools designed to amplify positive vibrations and make your festival experience truly unforgettable!


Our Mission

This project was founded for the purpose of being a bridge for humanity to step into a higher vibrational reality. Something magical happens at every live music show and our goal is to expand this energy and share it with the world. Not only are these events an opportunity to be your most authentic self but they are also an opportunity for genuine human connection as well as healing on a soul level, all while appreciating humanity’s greatest artistic achievements. Our belief is that the true essence of festival culture is the key to a positive shift in status quo.
Our dream is that one day all of humanity will become consciously mindful enough to live together in harmony and celebrate our differences. As we abandon the “us vs them” mentality, one can unlock the true infinite potential within every individual. We support the philosophy that a divine understanding of the mind, body and soul in relation to each other and the universe is the ultimate shift towards a world based in peace, love, compassion, and abundance.