Our Story

The divine calling: Once upon a time in a higher dimension, a group of souls had the mission of creating more light for the universe. At this point in time, Earth was in critical condition as she was being consumed by darkness, which resulted in the planet’s spirit screaming out for help. Millions of souls heard the calling and had the courage to incarnate back into the physical. The mission was to set Earth on a course of healing and begin the first phase of planetary ascension. This is the story of a few of those souls who started project Akasha.

Namaste fellow Earth incarnates, my name is Mike and I was blessed with the opportunity to start this business. As I was growing up I was always the outcast in every social setting I was in. As I tried to bury my authentic self to fit in, I only caused myself more suffering. This seems to be a common theme these days. Until I went to my first show when I was 18, I felt like I needed to be someone I’m not just to be accepted. It’s in human nature to seek to be a part of something that's greater than ourselves and I figured out that wanting to be “normal” is a trap as it limits possibility and creativity. After this awakening, I started to question the structure of our social norms and realized that most of humanity isn’t being raised to be an empowered and loving culture, but rather to be a part of a more nefarious system built on the foundation of materialism. On the journey of restoring my connection to spirit, I connected with other souls who have also put in that work. I came across a unique individual who had seen the world from a whole different perspective yet we arrived at a similar conclusion of what the world needs to heal. I brought him to his first electronic music festival and he introduced me to a deeper understanding of spirituality from a different culture than my own. As our friendship blossomed, so did ideas to use our creativity to change the world for the better. His name is Jovi and he is the co-founder of Akasha Civita. I found myself living life in a higher vibrational reality for one weekend at a time at each festival I went to. Now that I have been a part of a community whose culture is accepting, empowering, and loving; it became my call to action to share this love with everyone. The community we are building is intended to aid humanity in the understanding of ourselves in relation to the universe. This isn’t a belief system we are selling but rather a perspective we are sharing. One of the greatest illusions of all is the illusion of separation. Though we all have different bodies and perspectives, we all live off the same resources, seeking preservation of those which we love and psychological fulfillment. We are all interconnected beings that live on a beautiful planet called Earth with the potential to live in harmony if we consciously choose to do so. To discover interconnectedness with not just Earth and everyone on it but with the universe and everything in it as well. We believe the future of humanity lies beyond this planet and Earth is just one of many training grounds. The brave souls that answer this calling will have the honor of being a catalyst for the coming new era for humanity.